Wow time has gotten away from me again. It's been a great start to the World Cup season from the work side of things. But it's been a challenge so far for Kikkan with her results. However, I think things are on the upswing and it's just going to take a bit of time and more racing to get everything sorted out.
I can't remember if I mentioned before about the partnership this year with Inside the Fence and 7th Frame TV from Paris, France but it's awesome! Two videos are out so far with two more coming this week. Here is the link to the first one released: Actually that was the second one. Here is the first one: Both are great. It's amazing what these guys can do with camera's and editing.
Winter is still missing from many places again this season. I arrived in Davos, Switzerland last evening to just 3-4 cm of snow on the ground. A massive operation by the organizing committee is underway to bring snow from high up in Fluela pass down to the race track and with colder temps the next two nights they are hoping to make enough snow for the World Cup stadium to be ready for Friday. It's nervous days for sure. With all that in mind yesterday's ski in Sjusjoen, Norway just above Lillehammer may have been my nicest ski for the year. A recognition that Davos usually receives. One of the great beauties of being in the far north is that it's one of the few times I am ever out skiing as the sun rises. Yesterday it took starting at 8:30am for that to be experienced. The sun broke the horizon at 9:07am and brought a beautiful warmth and brightness to the snow blanketed surroundings
Some images in no particular order.
Good to be back with the FIS MAG crew. Hardest working guys on tour. They get all the signage, banners etc up that make it look like a World Cup. A little Crown Royal, or "Royal Crown" as my colleague on the left Michal said the other day. That term will stick for the season now.
Team Captains meeting in Lillehammer. Full house with many teams present for these World Cups.
It's a small world. Lunch with Karl Saidla, Megan McTavish and their beautiful daughter Leena in Helsinki.
Sunrise over Lillehammer stadium.
Sunset at 3:00 pm at Lillehammer Stadium
FIS XC crew was invited to the Swix Christmas party. Only in Norway could a wax tech be interviewed on stage by one of the most famous TV hosts in Norway for 30 min and have everyone pay attention.
Later at the Christmas party with Italian Ski legend Christian "Zorro" Zorzi and my friend Enzo.
Sunrise in Sjusjoen
Opposite direction from sunrise....the moon was actually setting and creating it's own colours.
Across the lake from Lillehammer. You can see the Olympic ski jumps on the highest bump. The 1994 opening ceremonies took place outdoors at the base of those jumps.